May I confide in you for a moment? There was a time when I struggled to do something as simple as play a video on the background of a website. I remember struggling for days to do such a (now) rudimentary task that would presently take me under 5 minutes. Ah, the joys of progression.
Coding is a journey like mastering a musical instrument, foreign language, or physical sport. Progress comes in small increments - from confidence riding the bunny slopes of HTML & CSS to building up the gravitas to juggle Ruby, Rails, Sinatra, and Swift apps in a single day.
To anyone looking to craft the future, here are the most helpful resources to get started:
To anyone on the fence about taking the plunge into the ocean of coding, consider the following. Technology will disrupt every industry - just taking automated driving vehicles in the next five years - millions of Uber/taxi/truck driver will find their jobs obsolete practically overnight.
The future can be succictly summed up: